Walking as a Healing Practice

woman walking on the beach

Let the earth be your partner in healing. The earth is a living being in partnership with all other living beings. This partnership can be especially supportive in terms of energy healing. Have you ever noticed how relaxing and refreshing a walk can be? Has a walk ever made you feel more alive, awake, and happy, or even inspired you? My answer to those questions is Yes Yes Yes! Walking to me is magical, rejuvenating, and healing. I love to walk, especially uphill.  “Please don’t hate me because I love to walk hills and mountains”.  I love the way it gets me breathing, out of my head and into my legs. I enjoy the feeling of the earth underneath my feet and the way nature’s beauty opens my heart, every time. I don’t think I ever have regretted going on a walk. But I am likely to lament a missed opportunity to connect with myself and mother earth on a particularly beautiful day, because an important or not so important call, got the better of me.

Walking is one of those simple and richly rewarding joys. It makes you feel good; is just so good for your health and can be healing in and of itself. It cost nearly nothing, except for a good pair of walking shoes and the proper weather attire. Really, most of us have a pair of shoes that are comfortable enough to take a walk in; and if you are so lucky to live near a beach, well- then you might not need shoes at all. If you happen to live in a city or small town, a walk in your neighborhood might be just as much fun. You might enjoy looking at houses, front lawns, and gardens. I enjoy beautiful buildings, and people watching too is always an interesting pastime while walking in the city.

The health benefits of walking are obvious, aiding circulation, inspiring breathing, speeding up the metabolism, and waking up the brain. The benefits are hailed and talked about in detail by countless health professionals. Julia Cameron author of “The Artist Way” writes in “Walking in This World” at length about walking as a creatively nurturing, inspirational, and spiritual practice. It all works for me.

Walking has been a lifelong practice of mine. Helping me to connect to my innermost feelings and leaving negative thinking on the trail. It connects me to myself and helps me receive guidance, not to mention the wonders it does for my first chakra and Hara.

The first chakra is our grounding chakra, it governs the legs, the knees, and the feet, the nervous system as well as the spinal column. A closed first chakra disconnects us from the feelings and sensations of our physical body. We tend to be more mental and prone to worry when our grounding is missing. And worst, one might live in a perpetual state of fear. The legs may be affected, feeling weak, uncoordinated, and restless at the same time. One might be tired, but restless when going to bed and unable to get quality sleep, because of a distortion in the grounding chakra. The first chakra connects us to the earth and helps us release stress from the body and into the ground. Nurturing earth energy, by way of walking, can help you rest, relax and sleep better at night.

Personally, I always wonder what is behind the ‘restless leg syndrome TV advertisement. Are the legs restless because they want more movement, or is it a true syndrome? And then… what is a true syndrome?

When ‘restless legs’ happen to me, it is a sure sign I need to take myself for a good walk. Even when my mind tells me “I am too tired”, afterward I am always happy I did.

Tips on walking as a healing practice:

  • Before heading out the door, make sure you are comfortable with your clothing and shoes. For longer walks, you might want to take some
    water with you. Consider a sun visor if you go out on a sunny day or a flashlight for your night walks.

  • Intention transforms your walk into a spiritual practice or a prayer. What is the focus of your walk going to be about? How far, or how long are you committing to walk? How much time do you have? Are you walking for inspiration and energy, or do you want to let go of a negative situation and transform it into a positive one? If you have a question, walk with that question. Ask for the assistance of the unseen world that walks with you and by your side.

  • Whether you go fast or slow, notice the movement of your body and how it feels. It helps to get a steady momentum going to stay with it.
    Adjust your position, align your spine and reach up, out of your crown, while enjoying the support of the earth underneath your feet.

  • Is one part of your body working harder than another? Do your fall forward while looking at the ground, or do you feel rigid and tightly held back? How are you relating to your surroundings and other people… are you open, or closed off?

  • You can change the experience of your walk by adjusting your attitude and body alignment. When you are satisfied with your positioning you can focus on enjoyment or inner questions. The living light aspects of God will respond to your requests of guidance and your unseen friends are sure to walk with you to inspire your heartfelt quest.



My name is Karin Inana. I was born with the gift of healing and it is my life’s mission to Help you Heal - Body, Mind & Spirit. I provide High-Level Healing locally and globally, helping individuals heal and enjoy a Dynamic State of Health, Vitality, Energy & Creativity. My Energy Healing Sessions activate your body's Natural Healing Response, Release Pain, and provide the foundation for a Peaceful State of Being.


A Self Healing Opportunity: The Healing Power of Intention, the Aura, Hara, and the Multi-Dimensional Assistance Team (MDAT) in action