Core Star Healing

The Core Star is the essence of your being. It is the inner radiance and the sum-total of your pure light energy that shines with the signature of your unique individuality. It is the light of your essence, which is who you have been for eternity.

When out of touch with this essence, we tend to look for ‘too much’ outside validation and might be anchored to a masked personality existence. In other words, we might accumulate possessions, personality traits, and even people in an attempt to fill that inner void. Addiction is one of the most severe manifestations of being out of touch with one’s essence.

When you are in touch with your essence, you know who you are, because you can feel it. Others can see and feel it too. It is easy to see and feel the true light of one another. It is just as easy to spot when someone is being fake or trying too hard. They feel deep inside that something is amiss and can’t quite connect. This is because of a shrouding or a wounding.

These wounds — otherwise known as soul traumas — can go back lifetimes. Soul traumas create a greater shrouding and are addressed additionally with past life healing.

Core Star healing is usually done in combination with other types of healing, such as Hara Healing.