Heart Flame Healing

 Perhaps you are a spiritual seeker of knowledge, looking for the keys to your personal healing. Maybe you wish to know the workings of your Aura and Chakra system, or you yearn to fulfill the unique purpose of your life and forge a lasting relationship with your spiritual, multidimensional support team. This book can help. Heart Flame Healing offers you the opportunity for a divine adventure that will help you move from deeply felt longing to the realization of your inner heart's dream.

Karin Inana unveils a journey of spiritual healing by sharing her own story and extending an invitation to you to join her along the way. Through her personal narrative, she teaches the workings of auras, chakras, the Hara, and the radiant core star dimension. Karin decodes the mystery of spiritual healing, guiding your individual contact with your own multidimensional support team; once you claim your radiant core essence, you can begin to heal from the inside out. This guide and memoir provide a blueprint for a self-healing journey from longing to fulfillment, presenting practical information in a helpful and inspiring way.

“This book is for you, the spiritual seeker of practical knowledge looking for the keys to your personal healing. You who desires to know the workings of your aura and chakra system. For you, who yearns to fulfill the unique purpose of your life, and wishes for a personal connection with your multidimensional support team. This book is for you!”

— Karin Inana