Cord Healing
Old relationship cords might be tarnished with sticky residue of painful memories, causing havoc in newer relationships. These cords can be cleaned and cleared to bring about compassionate understanding and freedom from old patterns, making way for new positive relationship skills. Often, immediate relief is felt when the cords are being addressed with positive intention toward the self and others.
Torn or disconnected second chakra cords can be embedded in the ovaries or wrapped around the fallopian tubes causing physical pain and dysfunction. I have also found them wrapped around the large intestine, creating problems with digestion. Third chakra cords can affect the liver, gallbladder function, and disturbances in the pancreas. Heart chakra cords can affect the heart and lungs. Cord healing is an advanced healing modality and is sequentially applied. It is imperative to build a strong foundation and a safe container before advancing into cord healing. In most cases, it takes preliminary healing to stabilize the field for the cord healing to be ultimately successful. For example, to clear a second chakra cord after a long-standing issue, the first and second chakra might have to be restructured before the healing can be fully integrated. Also, the heart needs to be looked at and tended to before advancing into any cord work.
To determine if cord healing is right for you, click here to book a consultation.
Cord healing is an advanced healing modality, which assists in relationship healing with the self and others. Cord healing is helpful when one is dealing with recurring, difficult, and unwanted relationship patterns. Cords are the invisible ties that connect us in all relationships: from the very first one (the mother/child connection) to all other significant relationships.
Cords between individuals are lasting and alive beyond the duration of the relationship and physical incarnation. They are holographic in nature, and therefore can be addressed at any time (during and after a relationship) to affect positive change in the present. The length and quality of a relationship are reflected in the quality of the cord. The cords can be beautiful, strong and flexible, or tarnished, sticky, brittle, disconnected, and torn. Torn or disconnected cords can be emotionally painful and can cause physical problems by wrapping or embedding in neighboring organs, often resulting in physical disturbances.